In any situation where a group of people striving towards a common goal; leadership is the most important factor that will determine the success of the group. Hence, in an organiszation which aims to sustain continuous growth, it must be taken into serious consideration to have a process in which leadership is natured and developed so that the continuous growth can be realized. Leadership must not be taken for granted and it cannot be assumed that anyone in the group is capable to leading it towards achieving its objectives. Leaders are people who excel in specialized skills unique to the individual who assumes the leadership role and in addition possesses a mindset that is positive in his/her everyday undertakings.
Organizations that are successful in focusing on the needs of their customers are, besides having able leaders; those that also have successfully developed a pool of strong and reliable team-leaders. These team-leaders are skillful, very well trained and have comprehensive and thorough knowledge and techniques in problem solving techniques. Strong leadership qualities like the 11 attributes of leadership (listed below) given in the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill are essential to serve as reinforcement in their personal qualities. The attributes of leadership are;
1. Unwavering courage
2. Self-control
3. Sense of justice
4. Definiteness of decisions
5. Definiteness of plans
6. Habit of doing more than paid for
7. Pleasing personality
8. Sympathy and understanding
9. Mastery of details
10. Takes full responsibility
11. Cooperation
For visual presentation of these attribute, please click here.
Problem solving quality calls for more addition habits than those listed above; team-leaders must possess a particular mindset that of a professional solutions provider. As in my previous post, the pro solutions providers must live by these 10 principles that are essential for team-leaders to instill them as habitual actions. They are;
1. Never tell a lie.
2. Utilize accurate facts.
3. ‘Do all the calculations’; educate and equip with proper knowledge
4. Train, acquire and get certification on specialized skills, ‘be a pro in you trade’
5. Solve one problem at a time. ‘
6. Measure and analyze all contributing causes or customers’ requests rigorously
7. Be creative
8. Be rational and open-minded when making solutions.
9. Challenge difficult situation personally.
10. Never give up or quit
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9 years ago