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Every spendid thing begins with an idea

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Penang, Malaysia
Dedicated to pass on valuable information to entrepreneurs. More than 20 years experience in a Japanese Corporation. Now, learning and enjoying the fun of trading business.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Letting your sales niche paves the way for bigger sales

I think I’ve gathered some good facts in my head to write in this post as a continuation of what I had written yesterday. The topic of yesterday’s blog post was ‘The 3 steps to secure loyal clients’. I think they were fairly simple to understand and easy to remember steps. I’m quite satisfied with the post because it simplified the sales process to just 3 simple easy to remember steps.
This morning in the daily meeting, the new sales engineer who I mentioned in earlier post suggested an idea which I considered to be brilliant. I thought it was brilliant because nobody really thought about it before and it can be used as a sales niche to opening opportunities for bigger sales to prospects.
You might know that in the business of making custom-made automated process machines, prospects are very careful when it comes to making purchase decisions and they sometimes are reluctant to discuss further about it because they don’t believe in what they hear. Prospects are not willing to commit until they are truly convinced that the machines can perform as expected and that will mean fast returns of their investments. Further, the machines that are being proposed are available elsewhere ‘on shelf’ with very competitive price. This makes it difficult for the sales team to pitch in their ‘promises’ that could make the prospects to not even considering their presentations. No matter how well the sales team phrases its ‘promises’; they sounded monotonous filled with platitudes.
Since the company is also selling small and single unit process equipments which we called them as the semi-auto equipments, some of these equipments, especially those that have higher profit margin and wider range of applicability, can be used as sales niche by aggressively offering prospects to buy for their smaller production quantity lines. The sales records shows that only one unit was sold last year because the sales team was concentrating on selling another type of semi-automated equipment that was common in the market and not versatile in its applications. This was due the fact that they were unaware of the potentiality of the semi-automated equipment that has a wider range of applications.For every sale of these equipments will ‘convert’ the prospects into customers, and subsequently open up the way for the purchase of the fully automated process machines to these customers. Thus, it will be easier for the sales team to pitch their ‘promises’ when the customers are ready to listen with open hearts.